30-Day Fitness Challenge | |
30-Day Fitness Challenge: Day Fifteen | |
| Your Active Challenge | Your Exercise Challenge | Your Flexibility Challenge | Your Nutrition Challenge | Your Mind/Body Challenge | Your Day Fifteen Checklist | |
from Paige Waehner If you've made it this far, congratulations! I know it's not easy staying on track day after day, but that's what it takes if you really want to get healthy. Today is your chance to sit back, take stock of how far you've come and reward yourself for all your hard work. The challenges are all very easy today, so enjoy this break and gather your energy for your new challenges tomorrow. | |
Your Active Challenge | |
Your Active Challenge | |
Accumulate at least 10 minutes of extra walking today. Remember, you can split it up or do it all at once...just keep track of the time. | |
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Your Exercise Challenge | |
Your Exercise Challenge | |
Rest. You have no structured routines today except for some light stretching, so take some time to rest your body. | |
Your Flexibility Challenge | |
Your Flexibility Challenge | |
Take 3-5 minutes to perform the exercises in the Seated Stretch Workout. | |
Your Nutrition Challenge | |
Your Nutrition Challenge | |
Check in with yourself. Take at least five minutes today to flip through your journal and checklists, reading through all of the nutrition challenges you've completed. Write down the hardest challenge you've experienced so far and the easiest. Keep this information handy for future challenges. | |
Your Mind/Body Challenge | |
Your Mind/Body Challenge | |
Reward yourself. Take at least five minutes today and think or write about what you've accomplished so far in the 30-day challenge. Then make a list of five things you could do to reward yourself for your hard work. Choose one thing from that list and either do it today or make plans for doing it in the future. Some ideas:
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Your Day Fifteen Checklist | |
Your Day Fifteen Checklist | |
How'd you do with your challenges today? Use this checklist to cross off everything you accomplished or make notes on what you didn't accomplish and why. You can also use the checklist to make substitutions for any challenges that didn't work for you or create even more challenges for yourself. | |
Paige Waehner | |
Learn Something New Every Day | |
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Missing Lesson: http://exercise.about.com/c/ec/26lost.htm | ||
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