Monday, September 13, 2010

About Stress Management: Stress Relief for Families, Kids and Kids-At-Heart

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Stress Management

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From Elizabeth Scott, M.S., your Guide to Stress Management
Fall can be an exciting-but-stressful time for families, which is why it's important to stay on top of stress. This newsletter brings strategies that can be effective in helping kids relieve stress, as well as useful stress relievers for those who are simply young at heart. Don't forget to scroll down for Featured Articles, and try the ongoing resources on the right, if you haven't already. Have a great week! -Elizabeth

Stress Relief for Children Ages 2 to 102
Fall brings new stressors that can take a toll on kids just as stress can tax adults. It's important to have strategies for stress relief that work for children, as well as adults. There are several ways that we as parents can help our kids relieve stress, and while we're at it, it doesn't hurt to take extra care of our own stress levels as well. The following are some ideas you can put into practice starting this week for a less-stressed family (even if you don't have kids!) Also, I would love to have you share your own best strategies in the comments section.

Try A Child-Friendly Meditation
The Clean Slate meditation exercise is simple enough that it can be easily taught to a child, who can use it to effectively relieve stress starting today (and so can you)! Try it out now, and use it with your child today.

Top 10 Stress Relief Strategies From Your Inner Child
As kids, certain stress relief strategies came naturally. As adults, however, we may have forgotten how to relieve stress, and find ourselves consumed by it. Looking for new stress relief strategies, you may want to look back to the 'good old days' when you knew how to relax. Read about the adult stress relief strategies related to our old childhood pastimes, and learn how to incorporate them into your lifestyle today.

Tell Us What You Think--And Tell Your Friends, Too!
The Reader Response articles--features that are primarily written by you and other readers who have their own tested advice to offer, along with my own tips and information--have become quite popular, and are really helpful because they add a new dimension of diverse experiences. And they just got better! Now when you post an offering for a Reader Response article, you can automatically post your tips to Facebook as well! Check out the new feature now--we have over 50 topics to choose from! Also, speaking of Facebook, you may want to join us on the About Stress Management Page.


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Featured Articles
Top Meditations for Stress Relief
Cultivate Gratitude
Parents: Try These With Your Kids!
How To Combat Parenting Stress
Free Stress Tests
Ongoing Tools for Stress Reduction


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Is it a Cold or the Flu?
Knowing whether you have a cold or the flu can help you treat your symptoms more effectively. More>

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This short quiz can help you identify whether or not you have a drinking problem. More>

This newsletter is written by:
Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Stress Management Guide
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